Category “Uncategorized”
Esperanta blogo sube. English translation below. En Esperanto Nu, ĝi estas certe post tempo por mi eldoni novan blogon (sed, vere, ni ne trompu sin … ni ĉiuj scias ke mi ne ofte blogas ne plu). Estas laŭ mi, tamen, ankaŭ tempo por mi ekzerci mian Esperanton iel krom Duolingo. Do, mi decidas ekzerci per alia esperanta blogo. Estas ĝuste ke neniu da mia amikoj eblos leĝi ĝin, sed estas ankaŭ ĝuste ke neniu vizitas mian retejon do … ĉio…
Saluton, al ĉiuj! Jes, ĉi tiu estas mi Dave – kaj, ne … ĉi tiu blogo ne estas en la Angla. Ĉi tiu blogo scribigis en Esperanto! I nun lernas Esperanton kaj mi tre ŝatas ĝin. Mi volas diri al vi ĉiu pri ĝin, kaj mi bezonas eksercizi mian Esperanton, do mi elektis skribi blogon en Esperanto. Kio?! Vi ne scias kion estas esperanto? Esperanto estas lingvo sans lando. Ĝi estas lingvo por ĉiu homoj. Esperanto estas konstruita lingvo, ne…
So, I’m working from home today because there’s a wildlife safari going on in my attic / walls … Like … literally wild-life. Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for work, I heard what sounded like a rather bothered bird ‘screaming’ at something. Concerned, I looked out all of the windows but couldn’t quite make out where it was coming from. I gave up and went on with my day and headed off to work. When I got home…
The ruling of the Ninth Circuit is amazing. I read every word, and strongly encourage everyone (of all political stripes) to do the same. It is a thorough and well thought out reasoning on many very complex arguments. The document also does a really nice job of walking you through “how we got here” (all the court drama prior to this ruling) and explaining what each of the parties were subsequently arguing before this court. Contrary to what the…
I always find these requisite year-in-review sort of posts difficult. This year is no exception. I have started and scrapped this entry about a dozen times already. How do I summarize a year like this? In doing so, it would be unfair to not write about some of the ways this year has been deeply transformative for me. Do I want, however, to post some deep soul-baring retrospective? I don’t think so; besides, I’m not under the delusion that anyone…
Tonight, just before I was supposed to be going to bed I decided I would have a glass of wine. Things did not go as expected. As I was opening the bottle, the cork was being a bit of a … well a bit of a bitch, and so I put a lil’ bit more of the ol’ heave ho into its extraction. As my corkscrew hand pulled the recalcitrant cork up and out of the bottle, my bottle hand…
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein”
Lately the Feds have been making their case as to why they need backdoors into encryption schemes. This is problematic anyway you look at it; privacy, technology … philosophically. Most people I talk to seem to agree that they’d rather not have a ‘back door’ evaporating any expectation of privacy. Why then, I wonder, aren’t more people leveraging secure communication options? In theory people want private communications but in practice it seems they can’t be bothered. I guess I should…
I’ve really been out of sorts the last day or so ever since Governor Pence signed into law the right for businesses to discriminate based on religious beliefs. Frankly, it’s upset me more than I expected it would (and that’s saying something, because I was deeply bothered by the bills prospect). Look, I’m not naive enough to think Indiana is a blue state; nor do I fail to realize that there are hateful people in the world. I’m also aware…
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